ALISE 2016 has ended
The ALISE 2016 Conference theme of “Radical Change: Inclusion and Innovation” celebrates the far reaching impact of Eliza T. Dresang’s work. The conference welcomes contributions that explore inclusive practices and innovative strategies in teaching and research, with special interest for Cultural Diversity, Digital Societies, Intellectual Freedom, Social Justice and International Resources.

Our logo for the conference is the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly. This is a great symbol of radical change and transformation. Although the caterpillar and the butterfly exist in the same environment, each has its own perception and understanding of the world. As the caterpillar prepares for transformation, it must build the chrysalis, which acts as protection and change agent. When the radical change is completed, the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis into a new world, one of amazing potential and opportunity. The radical transformation and change allows the caterpillar to move beyond its small environment as a beautiful butterfly excited and ready to see and learn about its brave new world. 

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avatar for Nicole K Dalmer

Nicole K Dalmer

The University of Western Ontario, Canada
PhD Candidate
London, Ontario
Nicole Dalmer (BSc, MLIS) is a third year PhD Candidate in the Library and Information Science program at The Western University of Western Ontario. Her dissertation research examines the invisible information work done by family caregivers of older adults. She is particularly interested in examining the intersection of information work and caring work; exploring the information related work needed to care for an aging family member within an aging in place policy era. She also studies the development of more responsive public library services for aging populations.
Wednesday, January 6

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Thursday, January 7

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Friday, January 8

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